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Camp Testimonials & Endorsements:


Zaira Perez:

“Camp is the only thing I look forward to all year!  It is a very awesome experience because you meet many amazing people and learn many things that you didn't know before. You learn that 3,500 innocent babies are aborted every day and the huge injustice that it is. Training prepares you to go out into the street for activism. When you arrive to your first event you are nervous but then you get into the conversations and find it is very fun. When I go to events, I am very hyped because I love defending the unborn and showing others the truth behind the abortion industry.”

Joshua Cummings:

"I truly do not think it is possible for anyone to work with Survivors, for even just one day, and not have a passion for saving babies be set on fire inside of them.  Working with Survivors for only one week made me a lifetime committed “Abortion Abolitionist.”          

I didn't know what it was going to be like working with Survivors.  It turned out to be a very encouraging and educational experience, not to mention being exciting and worthwhile.  Wait, “worthwhile” is the wrong word.  It doesn't begin to capture the importance of what Survivors does.  The work of Survivors is beyond worthwhile.  Survivors saves lives and changes hearts, two things that have immeasurable importance.       

By God's power I became extremely bold in confronting abortion, and you will, too, when you start fighting abortion with Survivors.  We did a lot of activism in Albuquerque: we stood on street corners holding signs picturing aborted babies, we handed out literature and talked to people about abortion and the risks a woman takes if she has one, and we leafleted cars, getting out thousands of drop cards.

What I’ve listed doesn't begin to cover all that we did, and it made a big difference in the citizens of Albuquerque.  The most important part about Survivors is the fact that you are trying to save children and protect women, but the second most important thing is that you are spending your short time here on earth wisely, and you have a life changing purpose when you choose to save children from abortion."   

Veronica Fealy:

"Going to Survivors Pro-life "boot camp" was one of the best things I've ever decided to do. Before attending camp, I was clueless about what it means to be pro-life, and when I left, my knowledge greatly increased.  During the amazing twelve days of the camp I learned a lot, made really good friends, and got so much closer to God.  Most of all, I received a passion for pro-life work, a passion to save the innocent.

I was so excited the first day I went out on the streets to do pro-life activism.  I remember thinking, "This is it, V, today's the day we save lives!" I felt like God was standing right next to me the entire time I was doing activism.  I said so many good things that I would not have been able to say before, things that changed so many people's minds about abortion.

The first day of camp I shyly walked up to the girls dorm, expecting to be a loner, but by the end of the first day I had made so many friends who I'm still very good friends with today.  I made a lot of them by accidentally hitting them with a basket ball while playing "Knock Out", sorry guys.  

The talks were very motivating and the messages were powerful.  I highly suggest attending camp as soon as you can.  It's a life changing experience that I will never forget!  I can't wait to go again."

Grace Anderson:

"I don't think that there is a single family that isn't affected by abortion, whether they know it or not. I didn't know how. I knew that I wasn't good or smart enough to actually do activism. So I thought that I could stay in the back ground and somehow help. So, I decided to start as most people start off. I went to see how survivors pro life boot camp would go. I didn't know how in the heck I would help, but I had a simple plan: hold a sign and watch the smart people be awesome. It didn't exactly work out that way.

The first few days at camp were really fun. The lectures were helpful. They helped me to be able to look at the anti abortion movement/argument in a whole different way. One lecture, included a video of abortion victims and the blood. Now, I was used to seeing graphic images, but that video made me cry like someone was breaking my arm. I thought that I was already burning to do something, but noooo way. That short clip lit the spark that would help me realize the fact that this is not about me. And that I should get out there and if I mess everything up, (which I most certainly did) I need to pick myself up and roll with the punches. Although the spark wasn't exactly flaming yet, and I was still dreading the actual going out and talking to people, I felt that at least if I mess up, I'll be able to try again, ask questions, get help, and learn from my mistakes.

When we did go out, I messed up, as expected. There wasn't a word or sound or anything that came out of my mouth that I wish that I had said in a different way. I needed to get out there again. I thought about the children who would be aborted if I sat on my duff like a wimp, too scared to do anything. I needed to get better. I won't be able to live with my self if I be a coward. The first time feels like a nightmare, but by the end of camp, I actually had some good conversations with people. There were some people who I knew just didn't think about the "other side". The thought that it was murder dawned on their faces like they just realized that their nose is attached to their face. This was real. I was actually being able to do something. Think about that! A girl who couldn't talk to friends whom she knew for years talking to people about abortion!!!!! And not just people! Complete STRANGERS!!!!!

For the first time in a while, I knew that I was actually doing something bigger than myself. I could feel that I was on the right side. There were people that I got to talk to that I know will look more into whether or not they have been told the truth. Just do it. That's pretty much the only thing that I have to say and learned from survivors. If wimpy me could survive it, talk to people about an emotional topic, and have fun, anyone can. And I mean ANYONE!!!"



Troy Newman President, Operation Rescue:

"Quality leadership rings hollow unless there is a plan to impart that experience and expertise to the next generation. The Survivors are the winds of hope blowing in the pro­life movement. The Survivors are the  next generation who are receiving the baton of truth from experienced pro­life leaders. I am proud of the  hard work the Survivors are accomplishing; they have gone from kids to veteran warriors in the culture  war."     

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of The Christian Defense Coalition:

“I am more optimistic about seeing the end of abortion in America today than at any time over the past 42years.  The reason for such confidence is rooting in this emerging generation’s passion and energy  toward building a culture of life.  One of the key groups leading the way in this pro­life youth revolution is  Survivors. The Christian Defense Coalition has worked side by side with Survivors for over ten years.  From Southern California, to Washington, DC and New York City I have seen firsthand the powerful impact Survivors is having on the abortion debate.  Whether it is on college campuses, in front of MTV, at the United States Supreme Court or in the national press, these kids are fearless, bold, articulate and effective.  Their courageous public witness in defense of innocent life, is an inspiration to the entire pro-life movement. Every great social movement in America has been spearheaded by young people.  Seeing high school and college students publicly confront the horror of abortion represents the best hope for bringing the killing to an end.  The Christian Defense Coalition enthusiastically endorses and stands  behind the great work of Survivors without reservation.  We would prayerfully ask that you join with us in standing with them through your prayers, encouragement and gracious financial support.”

Scott Klusendorf, Life Training Institute:

“Among other worthy goals, Survivors equips young people to defend the pro­life position in the marketplace of ideas. I've had the pleasure of speaking to three different Survivor's Camps and each one consisted of kids eager to communicate truth and model compassion for the weak and vulnerable.  I'm glad Survivors saw fit to include me in their program.”

Katie Short, Legal Director, Life Legal Defense:

“One of the perks of providing legal assistance to the Survivors is watching the videotapes of their activities at high schools and colleges. I love seeing the interactions with students: the lively debates, the sincere questions, the astonished expressions when young people realize that they had never gotten the full story about abortion before. I think the Survivors' outreach to their peers is one of the most important grassroots pro­life activities going on today.”

Brandi Swindell, Director, Stanton Healthcare:

“Survivors is one of the most powerful and effective pro­life organizations we have today. Survivors is unique in that they not only believe young people can be the leaders of tomorrow but that they can actually be the leaders of today!  Through awareness, education, and action Survivors mobilizes this generation to be actively pro­life.  There is no better voice for the pro­life movement than the young energetic and articulate members of Survivors. I have encouraged many people to attend the Survivors annual training camp.  This camp transforms people that simply say they're pro­life into committed action oriented activists. The Survivors leadership granted a scholarship to one of our young post abortive women. This young woman was given a chance through Survivors training to use her story to make a difference. She now confidently speaks at churches throughout the state of Idaho. It is my hope that Survivors continues to raise up a movement of young people in order to change the landscape of abortion in America and around the world.  To sum it up, I thank God for Survivors.”