Why I Had An Unprotected Interview With Sarah Silverman
Don't do it!
She is liberal beyond words!
She is evil.
She is blasphemous.
Have you seen her shows?
She is going do a hit piece!
These were the warnings from many of my friends about sitting down for Sarah Silverman's “I Love You America” TV series.
But I did it anyway. Why, why, why!?!?!
Well, this isn't my first encounter with the liberal media. My experience has been that, as often as not, I get a good if not fantastic result. For example, Al Jazeera News stayed with our Survivors for nearly 5 days. What resulted was an five-minute piece Survivors could use as a promo piece. Then the BBC embedded a reporter in our Summer Training camp as a camper. The name of the piece -- and we knew this before she came -- was "Brainwashing Stacey Dooley!!!" The 45-minute documentary was a great piece and the young people won Stacey over.
My core belief is that even though the liberal media may hate us, and in this case, she would probably mock us, The core of what we believe rings true to the listener and for that matter the person doing the interview.
Often, we get our message out in spite of the best efforts of the host.
In the case of the Sarah Silverman show, I found it fair enough. It is comedy on an explosive topic and generally not funny.
But I found Sarah very nice in person. When I sat down with her I said -- "Sarah, not a lot of conservatives are willing to sit with you but I do so willingly. I have just one request: Be funny without being cheap."
I think she did that.
I think Cheryl Conrad and the Survivors did a great job too. The Survivors on the street showed engaging activism on Pier 39, Even Sarah's description of Survivors was good enough for me. There are a couple of crude parts and I think the Survivors handled it well.
We are going to be getting more and more requests to do shows as word of Survivors and the Fetal Uprising spreads. Would you consider giving a donation right now so the work of Survivors and the revolution that is Fetal Uprising can continue?
Your giving makes our work possible.
Now back to the show, Let me know your thoughts!
And so I live to be mocked another day!
Here are links to some of our outstanding media coverage!
The Abortion War: Fault Lines by Al Jazeera English
A Trip to a Summer Camp Pushing to End Abortion by Al Jazeera America
Brainwashing Stacey by BBC
The Man Who Runs Anti-Abortion Summer Camps for Kids by BBC
“I Love You, America” with Sarah Silverman