#ABQ -- REAL TIME!: "Vote FOR the Unborn Child Protection Ordinance!"

Survivors Campus  Outreach Team is at University of New Mexico now.  

Kristina texted me: " We have signs set up along the public sidewalk in front of the campus. Pro-abort protesters and students brought signs out on campus very shortly after we set up. Their message is rather unclear. They do not want to be associated with images of late term abortion, even though they are encouraging people to keep it legal.  Mary Rose and Lauren took one of our signs to stand by them to illustrate what they meant by "keep it legal," and they got very upset. They are claiming that the image of the third trimester abortion victim is misleading."


Opposition to the Albuquerque abortion ban have been on the university campus trying to confuse the issue.  Many are confused about whether to vote FOR the ban, because they think FOR means a vote for abortion.

Survivors is speaking with media and students all day and at this moment to clarify the issue.




Trigger warning?  Kristina asks, "How could images of late-term abortion victims trigger post-traumatic stress if late-term abortions aren't traumatic or harmful?"

"The language of their signs implicitly admits that abortion is traumatic."




Yes, he wants YOU to vote FOR the abortion ban!  He's a Survivor trainee, and he's standing for life today with Lauren, who seems to have a a whole passal of youth asking her if they can be Survivors when they grow up!

Again, opposition has been dogged about trying to confuse the issue.

Survivors, at UNM, and around Albuquerque is letting the nation know: VOTE FOR THE ABORTION BAN.

This life-protecting ordinance will be a first-step to making sure NO ONE has to be a Survivor of Albuquerque's late-term abortion holocaust!

Please, share and double the impact of Survivors presence in ABQ for LIFE today! 


MSNBC nabs Kristina here in Survivors' loaner van! Media are everywhere on campus -- and they're asking questions, and knowing Kristina, getting the straight answer! "Vote FOR the Ban!  Students and the visitors on campus have been appalled that abortion is legal in New Mexico up to birth