Top Ten Stories from Survivors Campus Outreach in 2013

The Survivors Campus Outreach Team took the truth about abortion to the streets almost every day this year - and has some amazing stories. Here are just our top ten from a very blessed 2013.   


10. Survivors camp pickets at the homes of abortionists this summer brought so much unwanted attention to the abortionists that two municipal ordinances were passed to ban home pickets: one in the county of Bernalillo, New Mexico, home of abortionist Dr. Leeman; and the other in Newport Beach, California, home of late-term abortionist Dr. Agnew.


9. Mariell and Alvaro were newly married and expecting a baby - and living in Mexico, their home - when Mariell joined the Campus Outreach Team in the Spring of 2013. Alvaro joined her a few weeks later and the two - three with baby - shared the truth about abortion with students in Spanish and English in the spring semester.


8. “A woman approached Kristina and me as we walked through the pro-abortion throng.  She oozed self-righteousness and her voice dripped with condescension as she asked, “Excuse me, ladies, have you adopted any children?”  Read Mary Rose’s story from Albuquerque here!



7. During outreach at a particularly rich and rude high school, a male student marched up to Mariell and asked, in a tone exuding condescension, “Have you ever been pregnant?” implying that no one was allowed to have an opinion on abortion if they hadn’t been pregnant. She didn’t understand him because of all the noise around her. Mary Rose walked over and slid the sign out from in front of Mariell. The student’s mouth dropped open when he saw her five month baby belly. Then he closed his mouth, turned around, and walked away.


6. This student argued that an abortion does not kill a human being because human beings do not exist before birth. When Kristina told him that he was denying basic biology, he pulled out his biology book - and Kristina proved him wrong.


5. “Today I met a girl who owes her life to a victim of abortion.  Her mother was eleven weeks pregnant and on her way to have her killed when she saw an image of a dead child, slaughtered by abortion.  She changed her mind and carried her daughter to term.”  Continue reading here !


4. Survivors’ ProLife Training Camp saw a record number of attendees this summer. We trained ninety students to logically and clearly defend the pro-life position, to hold a successful event, and to bravely speak out in public! Read more about our campers here.


3. During our first week of Campus Outreach this Fall semester, two different students told Will that they had been considering abortion but, after seeing the team and our display, they chose to keep their babies. We know students turn against abortion all the time after coming into contact with us, but it’s always a blessing to have a confirmation of that.


2. "I'm 8 weeks pregnant and -- my boyfriend wanted me to abort,"  the young mother, cradling the 8-week fetal model, said softly.  Read the full story here.


1. Kristina spoke to this woman during our Mother’s Day event this spring. She emphasized to her how important and valuable mothers are, and the young mother dissolved into tears. Kristina showed her a model the size of her baby and the mother chose life.