We are Returning the Nativity Scene to the Public Square

Every year you read of nativity displays being banned from public areas, crosses taken down as Christmas tree decorations, and even the greeting of Merry Christmas forbidden in government work places. Why? Because of real or threatened lawsuits from atheists.

Why do atheists hate the symbols of Christmas and Christianity? It isn't because they don't believe in a god. I don't believe in Buddha but I don't get angry every time I see one.  

There is a reason atheists hate Christmas displays and Christian symbols . . . 

Because they hate the light!

This is not a minor point, it is the point! Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Our faith is a light to a lost and dying world. Jesus says: "Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

This year the Survivors are going to be that light!

The Survivors are going to lead a Festival of Lights!

We are going to bring to the city streets and government buildings -Light!

Using large format mapping projectors we are going to project nativity scenes on the buildings from which they are banned. We are going to project the Christmas message on skyscrapers, government buildings, city halls, court houses, and public places.

We will sing Christmas carols beneath the glow of projected nativity scenes. We will gather and pray as we project reminders of the massacre of innocents both in Jesus' time and the massacre of innocents going on in our country today.

We will project famous works of art celebrating the birth of Christ. This has already been done in Europe on famous buildings and it is beautiful.

We will sing and we will shine our light for all the city to see! 

These large-scale projections are set to be the signature trademark of the Survivors. As we travel from city nightscape to city nightscape with a message so large it will be like a Bat-sign over Gotham.

I know Survivors will get invitations from people in cities all across America to shine the light of love, life, and Jesus Christ in their city and towns and schools and government buildings!!!

Imagine a display that can be seen for miles and the ACLU can't shut it down!

During the winter we can project images from 5pm until midnight and beyond for cities that never sleep.

We can gather, shine the light of Christ, we can sing and share the joy of the Christmas season with our neighbors.

I am reminded of the words from the hymn "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." They go like this: 

I heard the bells on Christmas Day

their old familiar carols play,

and wild and sweet

the words repeat

Of peace on earth goodwill to men.

Written in the midst of our Civil War when Americans were fighting Americans, by Henry Longfellow as his son lay severely wounded.

One could imagine the despair he felt for his nation.

Another verse follows that rings so true today, and I often feel just this way. The verse goes:

And in despair I bowed my head;

"There is no peace on earth," I said;

"For hate is strong,

and mocks the song

Of peace on earth good-will to men.

Today many in our nation speak of a civil war once again. And I believe we are indeed in a Civil War. Abortion, the killing of over a million Americans per year, is legal in all 50 states, prayer is not allowed in schools, nativity scenes are banned and crosses are being removed!

Our nation is divided and I think it is accurate to echo his words that hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth good-will to men. Our 21st Century Civil War is not a war of bombs and bullets but a war of light versus darkness.

Our job is to let our light shine and this Christmas season the Survivors intend to do just that. Not just to "stick it to the haters" but to really shine the love of Christ, the glory of the good news and the value of all human life because that little unplanned pregnancy changed the world forever!

So I have modified the last verse of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day and it goes like this:

Then flashed the lights without a peep;

God is not dead nor doth He sleep;

the Wrong shall fail,

the Right prevail, 

With peace on earth, good-will to men!

We are in a Civil War and so what better time than Christmas to let our light shine before men? What better time to shine the good news and a warning of the tragedy of abortion in and on our cities?

And who better than the Survivors of America's Abortion Holocaust, Survivors of the modern massacre of the innocents in the middle of their nation's second civil war to take that light to the skyscrapers and city buildings?

This project is bigger than anything we have attempted before. We believe the impact will be greater than anything we have done before because of the sheer size of the projection! 

We know it will be a newsworthy and impactful story as the Survivors light up the night with forbidden phrases, scenes and symbols. 

Will you help Survivors shine the light of Christ, the nativity scene, and great works of Christian art in the public square from which they have been banned?

Please, help us shine the light this Christmas season by giving a generous Christmas gift today. Your gift of $35$50$75, or $100 will light of the world this Christmas.

If you can give a special end of the year gift of $1000$5000$10,000 or more, it will mean the Survivors have the resources and powerful projectors we need to put the Christmas message and the message of life on full public display where even the ACLU can't stop us!!!

Time is short, Christmas is upon us.  Please send the best gift you can today!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Let us be thankful for the country we have and not despair.

And please give today and let's really light up our cities with the Christmas message of life!  

Shining the light of Christ this Christmas,

Jeff White 

Founder, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

P.S. God say to not hide our light under a bushel but to let it shine before all men. And that is exactly what the Survivors intend to do this Christmas Season. We are going to light it up and light it up big! Please give the best gift you can so we can really shine the light in our cities, public places, and on our government buildings. Help make this possible with a donation today.

Yes Jeff, I want to invade the darkness, I want to shine the light of Jesus Christ in our cities this Christmas.  I want to see Nativity scenes on our government buildings and in public places.  I am giving a special gift to rent some light this Christmas to share the light that is free to all men.  Here is my one time gift of:

$35     $50     $75     $100     $250     $500

$1,000     $5,000     $10,000     Other