From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

From the Trenches: Emily Talks "Counter Protest"!

Emily talks a hilarious encounter with a pro-abort, the subject of coat-hangers, and why Campus Outreach with Survivors is a blast. You get to change the minds -- and lives -- of pro-abortion-minded people EVERY day. But she also gets the chance to show other pro-life students and peers how they can actually impact others to choose life!

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#ABQ: "Something drastically wrong. . . "

#ABQ: "Something drastically wrong. . . "

Guest blogger, and sidewalk counselor, Laura Morrison, describes the horror of the late-term abortion industry in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

November 19, Albuquerque votes whether to BAN late-term abortions, or not. This  is why it matters -- to you, to New Mexico, and most importantly, to our entire nation. 

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Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Respect Life? Act Like It! Opportunities Abound

Let's start out at the base, and same some life! We're survivors of the holocaust of abortion, and we do not want the next generation to suffer the same violence we have. 

Check out a whole list of how you  can educate your community to respect life in its most vulnerable form this month: the babies murdered by abortion.

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Survivors Join ProLife Leaders, Defy Obamacare Abortion Mandate!

The Affordable Care Act under the Obama Administration is faithful to one tenet: guaranteeing government funded abortion.  We at Survivors, with a coalition of national pro-life leaders, have carefully crafted -- and signed -- a pledge to defy this injustice.

We will not comply. Sign the pledge today! 

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BREAKING: Survivors Will Return To Albuquerque!

BREAKING: Survivors Will Return To Albuquerque!


Albuquerque knows AND cares!  

The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance  is on the November 19 ballotand Survivors is returning to Albuquerque to support the local awareness effort, and keep the children of our nation directly in front of the public eye!

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What is a holocaust? Not 56 million dead, according to NM Holocaust Museum. . . [Video Transcript of Request for Panel Memorializing Abortion Dead ]

What is a holocaust? Not 56 million dead, according to NM Holocaust Museum. . . [Video Transcript of Request for Panel Memorializing Abortion Dead ]

Transcript of docents responding to Survivors request to install a panel memorializing 56 million babies dead in American Abortion Holocaust. Kristina offers to pay and install--

This is their response. 

Kristina Garza, Outreach Director:  So you honor the dead only when it's too late to stop the genocide.

Docent: Yes.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Rebuffed by docents, Survivors return to demand inclusive display at New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Rebuffed by docents, Survivors return to demand inclusive display at New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum

Shocking show of intolerance by New Mexico Holocaust and Intolerance Museum!

“The Museum’s insensitivity to our request to work with them in designing a panel to show Albuquerque’s own genocide is, in itself, a display of intolerance.”  --Jeff White

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