"All Hell Is Breaking Loose!" and I said, "Good!" -- Albuquerque, New Mexico
/By C.J. Williams, Social Media Coordinator
“All Hell is breaking loose – no, I don’t want to talk!”
It is the second day of the Do You Know? Do You Care Campaign in ABQ. I wanted a quote, any sort of update from Survivors Founder, Jeff White.
But we are an activist and outreach organization. We do less talking than doing – especially Jeff.
Jeff wanted every ounce of his attention, and every bit of his available resource focused on reaching the citizens of ABQ with the message that a holocaust was in full-force right in their backyard.
“I had no idea," said one woman, "Thank you.”
Some other responses from our call center:
“…how…how could they?”
“We’ll vote hell yeah! on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Are you kidding?”
That's the citizens of Albuquerque. But we need to reach you too. Your prayers, your support give us the means to ask the nation, and ABQ: Do you know? Do you care?
When you know what abortion is, you care. When you know that babies are being brutally dismembered, women are being butchered, bled to death, and it’s legal, you care. But sometimes there’s no one out there with the information, and the abortion business does its utmost to operate in the dark, behind euphemisms (“Choice”, “Women’s health”, “reproductive freedom”), behind closed doors (with the FACE Act keeping prolifers even off sidewalks), off-the-air (behind media that won’t report the truth).
Jeff White equips the youth to expose abortion, asking #ABQ Do You Know? Do You Care?
ABQ is a proving ground.
It is the late-term abortion capital of the U.S. right now. But Survivors has taken 3 vans full of youth, rallied multiple other prolife organizations, and reached the citizens of ABQ – we are turning ABQ into the new capital of prolife action in the U.S.
We already have babies saved at Boyd’s late-term clinic, where abortionist Sella just sent a 36 week pregnant New York woman to the E.R. with a ruptured uterus and a dying child.
We already have touched the citizens with the truth: babies are dying, and born alive, are being brutally attacked a second time, left to die.
We have expended every ounce of resource to reach out with the truth – and that truth abolishes abortion with more success than any other tool we can give.
But we also have to reach you. Not everyone can be on the street, but without you, we don’t have the means. Thank you.
“All hell is breaking loose!” I turned to Jeff, immediately, and said “Good!”
Because, hey, Hell is what abortion looks like. When Hell breaks loose, you know you’ve exposed it. You know it won’t last.
This is ABQ. We’re acting to make abortion history. We need your prayers; your words of encouragement – and your sponsorship. If you can give today, if you can sponsor one of our youth or full-time missionaries, you can be the push that starts our momentum towards ultimate justice, and the protection of the littlest ones, and their mothers.
Be part of the push to actively abolish abortion! Donate here
Thank you for joining us in this fight for life!