I Don’t Want You To Stop
/I share my story with you because I don’t want you to stop showing the pictures. I wanted you to know that they’re working so you don’t get discouraged and stop in a few years. - Candace
Read MoreI share my story with you because I don’t want you to stop showing the pictures. I wanted you to know that they’re working so you don’t get discouraged and stop in a few years. - Candace
Read MoreCan you refuse to be brainwashed? Absolutely. Check out Survivors Camp veterans, Bella and Angelica Ayala, freshmen at UCLA. They took their Survivors training to school -- and made news before class even started!
Read MoreSurvivor ProLife Training Camp grad takes the Chalking Challenge to heart, ends 2 Weeks For Truth Media Campaign by covering his high school with 3,500 chalked hearts, and innumerable slogans and facts about human life!
Read MoreNational ProLife Chalk Day falls right at the end of 2 Weeks For Truth! Join Survivors: Expose why #AbortionMatters.
Chalk it up.
Hey, DO try this at home.
Read MoreHow can you sum up Hell breaking loose? In about the same way I would sum up the Do You Know? Do You Care? Campaign in Albuquerque.
Just one word: success.
Hell broke loose. Because countless young people, ABQ citizens, and volunteers from fellow pro-life organization – came to Albuquerque to reach out with the truth about abortion.
Read MoreWe who came to Albuquerque, we have survived a holocaust. And we, as the youth of a nation, take that to heart -- what we survived, we will not allow others to suffer while we are silent!
Join us! We've taken the tools of Survivors Leadership Camp and effectively exposed the killing in Boyd's late-term clinic!
Read MoreAlbuquerque, NM -- Late-term abortion capital of the U.S.
Three vans full of Survivors, a campaign partnering with prolife organizations from across the nation, youth canvassing and reaching every corner of #ABQ – we are turning ABQ into the new capital of pro-life action in the U.S.
If you haven't made a travel plan to Albuquerque, New Mexico, DO IT NOW! You do not want to miss this chance to be change history.
Read MoreDo you know what it takes to form a new generation of effective abortion abolitionists?
Join us daily on Facebook and the blog: This #SurvivorsProLifeTrainingCamp, we're following two or three of our campers on their journey through training and activism to leadership.
Some have come for a second time.
Some are here for their very first time.
Some came because they already have a commitment to protecting the preborn -- some because they're curious -- some because they're families have been involved in prolife work for a generation.
By the end of Camp, they are not just interested; not just committed; not just campers -- they are effective, intense, active leaders with the tools to end legalised child-killing in the United States.
Follow them on their journey through the blog and Facebook -- because they'll be telling you in their words, in real time, how Camp gives them the resource to fight this battle in videos and blogs!
Adam, 16, is one of the many who have returned to camp this year -- an image of the generation that will abolish abortion
Survivors is a Christian, pro-life activism organization dedicated to educating and activating high school and college age individuals.
If you were born after 1972, we challenge you to consider yourself a Survivor of the Abortion Holocaust. 1/3 of your generation has been killed by abortion in America!
The Survivors are taking an active stand on behalf of those who have already been lost, and for those who are scheduled to die through abortion. We are empowered by the truth, enabled by extensive training, and unafraid of condemning the death of innocents.