Momentum for Justice -- Albuquerque, New Mexico
/By C.J. Williams, Social Media Coordinator
Albuquerque, NM -- If you haven’t heard, the #ABQ Do You Know? Do You Care? Campaign kicked off with a bang – Survivors leadership campers came out of their final session late Sunday evening, but did they want to sleep? No! Play or watch a movie? Not even close. They wanted to take their training directly to the streets!
Jeff and Cheryl loaded up a van of young people, from as far as El Paso, Northern California, and a few from back East, and hit downtown.
Less than an hour later, they had reached or spoken to nearly 2,000 people; passed out 1,200 flyers – and run into the mayor of Albuquerque himself.
“Do you know?” they asked. That babies are legally murdered in your city up to birth? That 13% are born alive, and murdered in direct defiance of the Infant Born Alive Act? That Curtis Boyd, owner of the Southwestern Women’s Options abortuary says proudly, “I’m killing. Yes I am. I know that.”?
“Do you care?” they asked – and the response was an overwhelming, resounding: YES!
Albuquerque does not want the blood of innocents flooding its streets. ABQ does not want to be known as the “late-term abortion capital of the U.S.”. ABQ does not want to win records for women mutilated and killed by doctors willing to hack up small children.
Albuquerque wants the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act enacted, promoted and penned by Bud and Tara Shaver’s Project Defending Life.
But the people of Albuquerque couldn’t care, and they couldn’t take a stand, without knowing.
“The wheels of justice are slow,” said Jeff White Monday, as he unloaded fetal development signs and set in motion the Killers Among Us Campaign, which canvassed the neighborhoods around Boyd’s clinic with on-fire Survivors, teaming up with Mark Harrington’s Created Equal youth. “They’re slow. But once someone pushes them, they’ve got a downhill slope – and Albuquerque is the slope. We started the push. This is the advance, the beginning, that will wipe out late-term abortion.”
And not just late-term. “What’s the difference?” asked one small girl, looking between fetal development signs, “Babies. Babies are always little.”
Tuesday morning, the campers and ABQ volunteers, took their sidewalk counseling session skills back to Boyd’s clinic. They saved one baby and mother from the killing inside already! And we know by experience that for every one child we know is safe, others are spared just by their mothers seeing our witness.
Kristina also got into the city council meeting last night, and on the docket to speak. She, a young couple, a young Albuquerque man, Survivor supporter Len Beckman, Bud and Tara Shaver, and Brianna Baxter all spoke movingly to the council: “Adopt this ordinance, Albuquerque. It not only protects children; it protects women from a very dangerous procedure. Fourteen women have gone to the E.R. in recent years from Southwestern Women's Options...Please protect women and children in Albuquerque." Don’t be known for killing yours – and the nation’s – children.
Survivors is an outreach and activist organization – and this is the tip-top of our mission: to change the hearts and minds of the nation, to equip the youth, and all ages, with the knowledge to reject abortion.
ABQ has just started. But it’s the start, and the culmination, of something much bigger. This exposure and outreach began with Jeff White and Cheryl Conrad nearly 20 years ago when they founded Survivors. This exposure and landslide of youth speaking out emphatically for life exploded with the Gosnell trial, and crashed into the amazing demonstrations and outpouring in Texas where young people bussed in from both coasts, and pro-life organizations from Survivors, to Live Action, to Students For Life and StandTrue all showed up.
It is culminating and continuing in Albuquerque. The momentum for justice and truth for the preborn is in these wheels, and I, and my fellow Survivors, have poured our all into pushing them towards the slope – the slope of ABQ.
When people know, they invariably care.
Just wait for what ABQ has coming. The late-term abortion capital of the U.S. has become the abortion abolitionist training ground capital! And these young people are ready to finish it in ABQ . . . and then take on the next city, the next state, the nation.
“The wheels of justice are slow. But once someone pushes them, they’ve got a downhill slope – and Albuquerque is the slope. We started the push. This is the advance, the beginning, that will wipe out late-term abortion.