Youth Activated: Visual Blog -- Do You Care, Albuquerque?
/We have survived a holocaust. And we, as the youth of a nation, take that to heart -- what we survived, we will not allow others to suffer while we are silent.
The three vans full of young people who gave up the end of their vacations to stand for life in Albuquerque, New Mexico, came for a specific purpose: to become equipped with the tools to lead a movement to end America's Abortion Holocaust.
This is their statement. These are their faces. This is the revolution of young abolitionists.
Survivors ask: Do You Know? Do You Care? and #ABQ confronts the truth -- grisly murder in their backyard
So. . . we are asking
Do You Know? Do You Care?
Survivors all this week take their social media, photography, and outreach tools to the sidewalks, and to the media. We are the faces that might not have been born . We are the faces of the abortion generation. We are asking Albuquerque, and our country - Do You Care?
- Over 3,500 children are torn apart by abortion, per day
- Nearly 40 of those children are late-term, viable, and butchered by men and women we call "doctors"
- Albuquerque is the late-term abortion capital of the United States, with no regulations on the deadly procedure that kills more kids than any other cause in the the country
Some responses to our signs: "I didn't know. But I -- God -- I have to care now."
" . . .how - how could they?"
Lisa, CA, taking ABQ Awareness to her town
Final responses. . . The two next photos come from supporters -- new or old -- who have taken the Do You Know? Do You Care? Campaign to their streets -- because they couldn't come personally to Albuquerque.
Len, Anaheim, CA: Does SoCal know its mothers go to #ABQ to get abortions up to birth?
Gianna and her sister
Ready to join in, and make abortion history? When you know, you care . So pick up the tools these Survivors are using so effectively! Take your own photos; ask the same question; give your community the facts. Post on your Twitter or Facebook accounts and tag with #ABQ, #stand4life, #abortion, #DoYouCare?
Albuquerque is making history by leading the push to protect the preborn, and their moms, to the city level . Local is where ending the killing begins, because that is where we have the most power -- and when we activate a community, change a heart, expose the lie that abortion is rare, safe, or even out of our reach, we start the wheels of justice rolling!